Online Offerings

A Reflection Journey
with Gail Warner
Join Gail for upcoming Online gatherings- Next date TO BE ANNOUNCED!
Past Offerings through Pine Manor
Voices of Transformation
July 10th, 2020
So many creative souls have visited Pine Manor and others have landed here to participate in art making on the creative canvas that is Pine Manor. Most recently Gogo Thule, Gogo Ekhaya, Mary, Autumn, Katinka and friends that have visited them. They have contributed through work trade or as volunteers in Pine Manor’s evolution.
This evening is being coordinated by Michael Mejia, poet and friend of Pine Manor. We have invited creative voices of young adults in the form of poetry, song to inspire us. Transformation comes in many forms. Creative expression gives people opportunity to speak from their hearts. We trust that these voices will in some way help transform each one of us.